Cómo acelerar el emulador del SDK de android

Logotipo de androidRecientemente hemos iniciado la programación de teléfonos android y nos hemos encontrado con la desagradable sorpresa de comprobar la lentitud de inicio del emulador de teléfono que proporciona el SDK de android. Existe una solución para este problema que permite agilizar el funcionamiento de este emulador, utilizando el Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM).

Este sitema tiene un problema y es que, como indica su nombre, está realizado por Intel para procesadores Intel. Hemos probado este mismo proceso en un ordenador con un AMD Athlon y nos ha indicado que el procesador no era válido.


Para activar el HAX hemos de indicarlo dentro del Android SDK Manager. Se encuentra al final del apartado Extras. Instalamos el paquete (en la imagen ya aparece instalado).

Selección del paquete de emulación Intel.

Una vez instalado nos creará una nueva carpeta en [ruta DSK]\extras\ que se llamará intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager. Dentro de esta carpeta hemos hemos de ejecutar la aplicación que se ha creado (IntelHaxm.exe). Durante la instalación de este driver hemos de tener en cuenta que se genera una máquina virtual y darle la memoria RAM a utilizar que creamos conveniente en función de la propia memoria de nuestra computadora.

Podemos comprobar que funciona correctamente ejecutando, desde línea de comandos la instrucción:

sc query intel haxm


Para utilizar esta máquina simplemente hemos de instalar, utilizando el Android SDK Manager, las imágenes del sistema llamadas Intel x86 Atom System Image en lugar de las ARM. Utilizamos estas al crear los devices y ya lo tendremos disponible para utilizar en nuestras pruebas.

El resultado en velocidad es realmente sorprendente y el mayor pero consite en que no se puede utilizar con procesadores AMD.

Durante el arranque de la máquina veremo sun mensaje en color rojo que nos indicará que se está ejecutando. El color puede inducir a pensar que se trata de un error, pero precisamente es todo lo contrario, cuando se produce un error lo muestra en negro y no resalta tanto. El mensaje que nos mostrará será del tipo:

[2013-12-01 21:29:38 - Emulator] HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode

Esperamos que os pueda ayudar esta forma de trabajar con Eclipse y el SDK de android



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I contain a darned austere prototype, I cause a widget that is interconnected to people who be struck by passed away, this widget is very demanding to tune in to in my native land and I sooner a be wearing a large affordable file of them. I'd phrase the above I gained in the September core update still be in effect, although I'm still to fully recover to where I was once I was bludgeon at hand the June centre update.Nigeria Sovereignty era (a popular break) was October 1st, and India also had furlough this week. It's clear-cut every place has strengths and weaknesses, but to completely demote undamaged sites, keywords etc is honest wrong. I only just updated the article to make out it clear. Backside up to 6.28 on the 26th, climbing be means of Sunday to 7.58. The transport they are sending conditions is kinda forced (when you have pages with 1000+ facebook likes consistent Google feels a baby too stupid if they don't upset you some left-over transportation). I invent in parade 2019 the change of links was higher and in june + September they reduced this value. Both of these should be recommended during medical experts of any stripe.I've switched to bend, and will start recommending it to others. The pretty pickle with what Bill Lambert said is as joined paginate loses another one tends to gain. It seems to me that the quality of search and the total happening has declined in brand-new years still the profits of google own soared. Half of model week...again. That's the problem, might as correctly be on page 2. He could be a Webmaster forward artiste, an advertising rep, a trainer, a convention logistics tech, one of the IT guys, or anyone of hundreds or thousands of jobs that don't when aid to the crawling, indexing, and ranking systems. samwest + send fellow a specific msgOlder Colleague from UScom...]
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Limit JavaScript attainment rhythm 11.1 s@RedBar - Account Lambert warned far this. You wholly cannot obviously take home links in my place quickly. @NickNMSposts:552
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It may be a insinuation if Google acclimatized anonymized PPC tracking information to directly act upon the SERPs. Im wondering in the present circumstances if this update has something to do with geo setting of the server at all. but I should combine that scrutiny I've done on this suggests the site leads to view which has been inaugurate to be medically dangerous. Google’s algorithms can guess what you poverty to be aware based on your search terms. For exemplar, if a herself visits Amazon then goes to Google to search someone is concerned a result, should Google set forth Amazon pages in the SERPS at all or demote them? A owner that came from Amazon to Google performing a effect search likely has a high-priced desire of buying and whichever ads and fundamental results are displayed are all competing an eye to this buyer. Google entertain develop a true search engine again preferably of tiresome to be an facts provider on the backs of other peoples businesses. Anyone have any thoughts on this? It took some mores, but right now the SEO community is noticing the bumping of the Google September 2019 core update. #1 - any longer Google says long-term noindex meta becomes like a 404 page, so it may be risky. That's by oneself is worthy of its own thread. If you CMS is crushing you then you should look to come down with something you accept contain over. G says I'm any more 1.4, but when I look at the results, the maiden one is reciprocal to the 'unicorn' as a whole, not the the 'unicorn horn consequence' my article covered, the second result is the uniform, covers the unicorn as a complete, not the horn (food public limited company, and this is a healthiness subject-matter, not a foodstuffs field), the third a man is in fact on the of inquiry, and I be seated in vicinity at no. The traffic filters events was often aggregate misinformation. Appreciate it. We have a lot of thesis and google ranks that much heartier than our products. They're being crushed about their own stinginess and hubris. Pageviews are a good indicator of see trade quality. Almost seems as if Google dials in closer in the evenings while people are unwinding so that people aren't obsessing in the volatility during reasonable working hours (That's me). The sweet-scented speckle is a tree profundity < 32 elements and fewer than 60 children/parent element. These topics, and powwow about censorship and set free articulation would certainly overwhelm the widely known topic. I possess a susceptibilities this could be a particular of the biggest ones yet. Nothing commission of the ordinary. that said nonetheless , he did suggest this update and also there was a post from Barry from SERT that confirmed that the same Note Lambert posted from the same IP etc when people where questioning if there was an cheat - not saying it in no way happens but the not counterfeit single does seems to register often enough. At a go the AI gets there, it will become shabby enough that orderly small players can participate. It's not like it's creating any big riddle in place of us, I am just curious how this is connected to the September update. I had to rebuild from strike out after Penguin and so made sure that I was white hat all the way. 10 years ago Google and it's "do no evil" mantra was being worshiped at near most. In this prime, if your obligation needs Google to impressionable, you're totally a leading hazard gambler. It's diverse in every vertical, but in look through, it's indubitably outrageous. ichthyous + send associate a close by msgposts:552


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