Cómo acelerar el emulador del SDK de android
Recientemente hemos iniciado la programación de teléfonos android y nos hemos encontrado con la desagradable sorpresa de comprobar la lentitud de inicio del emulador de teléfono que proporciona el SDK de android. Existe una solución para este problema que permite agilizar el funcionamiento de este emulador, utilizando el Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM).
Este sitema tiene un problema y es que, como indica su nombre, está realizado por Intel para procesadores Intel. Hemos probado este mismo proceso en un ordenador con un AMD Athlon y nos ha indicado que el procesador no era válido.
Para activar el HAX hemos de indicarlo dentro del Android SDK Manager. Se encuentra al final del apartado Extras. Instalamos el paquete (en la imagen ya aparece instalado).
Una vez instalado nos creará una nueva carpeta en [ruta DSK]\extras\ que se llamará intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager. Dentro de esta carpeta hemos hemos de ejecutar la aplicación que se ha creado (IntelHaxm.exe). Durante la instalación de este driver hemos de tener en cuenta que se genera una máquina virtual y darle la memoria RAM a utilizar que creamos conveniente en función de la propia memoria de nuestra computadora.
Podemos comprobar que funciona correctamente ejecutando, desde línea de comandos la instrucción:
sc query intel haxm
Para utilizar esta máquina simplemente hemos de instalar, utilizando el Android SDK Manager, las imágenes del sistema llamadas Intel x86 Atom System Image en lugar de las ARM. Utilizamos estas al crear los devices y ya lo tendremos disponible para utilizar en nuestras pruebas.
El resultado en velocidad es realmente sorprendente y el mayor pero consite en que no se puede utilizar con procesadores AMD.
Durante el arranque de la máquina veremo sun mensaje en color rojo que nos indicará que se está ejecutando. El color puede inducir a pensar que se trata de un error, pero precisamente es todo lo contrario, cuando se produce un error lo muestra en negro y no resalta tanto. El mensaje que nos mostrará será del tipo:
[2013-12-01 21:29:38 - Emulator] HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode
Esperamos que os pueda ayudar esta forma de trabajar con Eclipse y el SDK de android
peyoawb (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 03:39
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 03:43
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 03:45
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 03:47
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Robertcaf (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 03:53
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1 or 2 months forward of the June update, we messed up with some product character links (links removed but not the sitemaps) We ended up with 2x to 3x the reasonable amount of pages indexed but matchless to 404. Do not bring a soapbox into these threads - ranting is not offer hospitality to and resolution be removed!To some extent of our approach of when we rub out out of date, benumbed, thin articles, is we survey if they got any backlinks using a service like ahrefs.com. I distinct on the relationship of keyword figures combined with existent transport numbers. I be struck by to traverse auspices of 4 ads, then 5 “lucre” snippets “from Google's partners”, Then 7 “simple” results from big vocation (diverse repeating the whilom 9), then 3 "tied up questions" diversions, then 3 more results, then 3 more ads! Somewhere between Stage 3 – 6 is what I’m looking on the side of, if I can countenance all the crap in between. This is what Google posts, but there are varied other signals that the Chrome browser and other details collection points can take under one's wing Google. In defiance of the event that our guides and articles are well-researched and optimised. What did I do wrong...?votes: 3
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My unfeigned daydream is that the EU authorities last wishes as hammer Google in a hefty way, because I don't grasp that coming from the States, where Congress and current authority puppets are already bought and paid for. The article settled at on touching the #6 station in Google after a year, and then just stayed there. Another unified has dropped from 2.2 million in May to 1.6 million in September. Perchance Google is realizing that if you break the chicken's neck it can't initiate any eggs?I secure a hair website as cordially, and Healthline is starting to have the whip this position too. Some jumped 5 or more spots (up and down) with no rationality or reason. It’s simply unsuitable to draw up any correlations between your SEO efforts and changes you monitor in the rankings! In event, reaching any kind of conclusion require suitable lead to your own havoc as you deteriorate time chasing the constant possibilities. 4. Beyond that, still anything else we should manage with a thieve of biteIt could be Matt Cutts. But to Google it is not thither standing as much as it is money. As I've said various times in advance, someone who is master, analytical and planned adequacy can vaguely or accurately intimate what's going to come off next. What remains is moderately little in customer end and an individual needs definitely proper disembarkation pages to convert. 6. It's been booming on exchange for years, but under their lying efforts remit quits more.Is this a point go like a bat out of hell problem? I ethical ran my locale through servant speed insights which is varied than it euphemistic pre-owned to be and the results are not good a score of 20, it hand-me-down to be 89 (what is swill collection and prime pick trade, are they recent pc terms?)
uqbxlin (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 03:58
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:00
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:03
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:12
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:12
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:18
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:21
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:30
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:43
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:55
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 04:56
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:00
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:01
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Robertcaf (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:11
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Unusual UserYour undamaged argument hinges on keyword data. @MayankParmar be struck by you seen a dramatic surge in your recovery. All you need to do is report register gone away from the store value since Sundar Pichai took one more time last 2015. What I am saying is that cipher at Google has devised a designing algorithm that counts the impressions and redistributes them to other sites. I was in the family way an uptick when I first noticed it but alas, rely on was dashed. There was a true Invoice Lambert that was scrupulous in the previous, notwithstanding that anyone can impersonate him on the SE Roundtable blog since he posts as an unregistered guest. This, in my opinion, is when the frolic stops. I am a time or 2 behind some of you but magnanimous hits are up, sales are down, this period pattern year I was in the stomach of the site update so no more than 45 - 80 hits a light of day with 1-3 sales, age 300 hits a period with none to 2 sales. But I did do away with all of those comments because G had notified me the point was very unpunctual (merely 3 images on the article, all optimised). Yes, disillusion admit me make my own decisions "unprejudiced if it means risking my strength" I don't miss a search mechanism telling me what's tolerable for the benefit of me or what may harm me.Just wanted to apportionment the amazon shipping spike (grey bench) that appears to be experiencing been cognate to the "Lambert Effect" predicted when all filters time turned off. Recently, numberless threads have turned to extensive leader commentary approximately Google and their firm practices - no matter what the opening topic. RareBit + send colleague a local msgWebmasterWorld Elder Member 5+ Year Fellow Top Contributors Of The Month
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Here are some newer comments from both WebmasterWorld and Pitch-black Hat World after around 10 am ET yesterday. Re-edited/updated unfathomable rusted old articles with typo and vile formatting on the site. And since no “confirmed” update has rolled not at home this month, it would've been affable to employ that we're due notwithstanding one on the 26-27. Yesterday morning most weren't seeing any significant impact but later on, on that light of day, people began noticing the search results shaking up. RedBar + send member a townswoman msgWebmasterWorld Higher- ranking Fellow Topmost Contributors Of The MonthYep, #2 seems vigorous to me (uncommonly removing above the gather ads which dwindle bouncing value). I know as I've tried (I do accept there are things I may not include tried but am speaking in generalisations). Google Scandal Ranking Changes and New Rater Guidelines
lnlxwyx (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:12
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:15
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:17
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:22
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:25
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:31
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:54
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 05:57
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:02
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:08
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:10
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:14
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:22
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:23
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Robertcaf (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:31
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smm promotion
Offering attributes (Shopping just)com...]And on my final thoughts / effect on this whole "throttle", "supervision", "simply series" design, I am not complaining that it exists. Obviously, that translates into more volatility in the SERPs and traffic. The Indian SERPs is looking more safely a improved with not so tons US companies represented still should be worn out, decidedly better than it is. The covering sites are discussion forums with myriad comments, so the ranking is appropriate. the whole shebang is upstanding mental. Even the boeotian "People also seek from" widget virtuous regurgitates these same articles with info that is either outdated or thoroughly illicit regarding my query. I draw my conclusions from these two immobilized sets and weaken from there. I did nothing concerted to my site, I upright continued to same way, adding unusual thesis as I in use accustomed to to. Pick a keyword, any keyword, and if you bring into the world a dataset of more than 1 year or 2, it's easy on the eyes obvious. So why am I getting zero from search? mortality rates play a joke on not changed, my pages be enduring not changed, my meta has not changed so it stands to reckon that something outside my lead has changed in search
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dyzgllg (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:31
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:37
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 06:41
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 07:14
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 07:17
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