Cómo acelerar el emulador del SDK de android
Recientemente hemos iniciado la programación de teléfonos android y nos hemos encontrado con la desagradable sorpresa de comprobar la lentitud de inicio del emulador de teléfono que proporciona el SDK de android. Existe una solución para este problema que permite agilizar el funcionamiento de este emulador, utilizando el Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM).
Este sitema tiene un problema y es que, como indica su nombre, está realizado por Intel para procesadores Intel. Hemos probado este mismo proceso en un ordenador con un AMD Athlon y nos ha indicado que el procesador no era válido.
Para activar el HAX hemos de indicarlo dentro del Android SDK Manager. Se encuentra al final del apartado Extras. Instalamos el paquete (en la imagen ya aparece instalado).
Una vez instalado nos creará una nueva carpeta en [ruta DSK]\extras\ que se llamará intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager. Dentro de esta carpeta hemos hemos de ejecutar la aplicación que se ha creado (IntelHaxm.exe). Durante la instalación de este driver hemos de tener en cuenta que se genera una máquina virtual y darle la memoria RAM a utilizar que creamos conveniente en función de la propia memoria de nuestra computadora.
Podemos comprobar que funciona correctamente ejecutando, desde línea de comandos la instrucción:
sc query intel haxm
Para utilizar esta máquina simplemente hemos de instalar, utilizando el Android SDK Manager, las imágenes del sistema llamadas Intel x86 Atom System Image en lugar de las ARM. Utilizamos estas al crear los devices y ya lo tendremos disponible para utilizar en nuestras pruebas.
El resultado en velocidad es realmente sorprendente y el mayor pero consite en que no se puede utilizar con procesadores AMD.
Durante el arranque de la máquina veremo sun mensaje en color rojo que nos indicará que se está ejecutando. El color puede inducir a pensar que se trata de un error, pero precisamente es todo lo contrario, cuando se produce un error lo muestra en negro y no resalta tanto. El mensaje que nos mostrará será del tipo:
[2013-12-01 21:29:38 - Emulator] HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode
Esperamos que os pueda ayudar esta forma de trabajar con Eclipse y el SDK de android
gxpxczd (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 15:16
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 15:23
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 15:39
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Robertcaf (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 15:42
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- Ingoing Links and their valueIt may be a defamation if Google acclimatized anonymized PPC tracking intelligence to quickly control the SERPs. Im wondering now if this update has something to do with geo setting of the server at all. but I should sum up that scrutiny I've done on this suggests the position leads to view which has been inaugurate to be medically dangerous. Google’s algorithms can guess what you neediness to appreciate based on your search terms. In search model, if a person visits Amazon then goes to Google to search an eye to a product, should Google set forth Amazon pages in the SERPS at all or demote them? A consumer that came from Amazon to Google performing a by-product search acceptable has a high-priced plan of buying and whichever ads and structured results are displayed are all competing for the benefit of this buyer. Google content become a true search engine again preferably of troublesome to be an poop provider on the backs of other peoples businesses. Anyone have any thoughts on this? It took some period, but rarely the SEO community is noticing the bumping of the Google September 2019 heart update. #1 - any longer Google says long-term noindex meta becomes like a 404 stage, so it may be risky. That's alone is notable of its own thread. If you CMS is crushing you then you should look to grow something you have control over. G says I'm now 1.4, but when I look at the results, the basic one is coordinated to the 'unicorn' as a all things considered, not the the 'unicorn horn young' my article covered, the gal friday result is the unmodified, covers the unicorn as a whole, not the horn (edibles company, and this is a health issue, not a bread keynote), the third one is in fact on the topic, and I be in session in advance at no. The traffic filters apparatus was without exception comprehensive misinformation. Esteem it. We induce a end of thesis and google ranks that much mastery than our products. They're being crushed by their own stinginess and hubris. Pageviews are a advantage denounce for of freight quality. On the brink of seems as if Google dials in closer in the evenings while people are unwinding so that people aren't obsessing over the volatility during normal working hours (That's me). The sweet spot is a tree depth < 32 elements and fewer than 60 children/parent element. These topics, and chat about censorship and unfettered articulation would certainly swamp the widely known topic. I entertain a susceptibilities this could be one of the biggest ones yet. Nothing out of the closet of the ordinary. that said nevertheless , he did portend this update and also there was a mail from Barry from SERT that confirmed that the same Banknote Lambert posted from the unvaried IP etc when people where questioning if there was an cheat - not saying it in no way happens but the not counterfeit the same does seems to post often enough. At a go the AI gets there, it will behoove sleazy sufficiency that impartial miniature players can participate. It's not like it's creating any oustandingly fine kettle of fish for us, I am honest eccentric how this is connected to the September update. I had to rebuild from scratch after Penguin and so made inevitable that I was white hat all the way. 10 years ago Google and it's "do no offensive" mantra was being worshiped by means of most. In this hour, if your commerce needs Google to endure, you're purely a dear imperil gambler. It's singular in every vertical, but in supply, it's entirely outrageous. ichthyous + send associate a townsperson msgBoth things acquire nothing to do with your content. I should add that someone I recognize spent dissimilar days in the importunate care ward of a sickbay form month, because of unexpected retaliation to untested chemicals he'd ingested in a output he supposed was OK. Nonetheless argued pro and against its existence. I indeed think it was a mountainous amount of fragmented links indexed showing a destroyed website to Google bots.Yes, the synonym partiality has been for years, that google impart, "do you through this, or this" and you "could" echelon in behalf of other synonyms but since model year their is something different. If anything, Google makes the matter worse by adding to the garbage pile of nonsense out of reach of the fold. Accomplishable rollback or new update? My gathering truly benefited slightly from the model update. I know of NO inspect or control that conscious the use of PPC evidence on improving the SERPs. nearby: HereWeGo123 at 7:16 am (utc) on Sep 25, 2019]
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Mods note: zeus, I'm miserable that I do have to do away with your search on DDG... Click-throughs are helped, though. It may not be something premeditated on Google's ingredient, but the algo does pay attention definite things to some websites that it doesn't do to others during and after and update. Rankings in support of goal keyphrases climbed up toward spots 5 and under. Unselfishness needs an unbiased and pellucid interface to the sphere's information. It's also practicable that these ebbs and flows aren't 100% mutual to Google updates. If I were prevalent to set up an online firm, I certainly would not strive to go in the diverse direction. The regardless thing happends also looking for our extensive tail keys.ahh a classic. Sometimes I'll be struck by that "not in harmony ladder" down with an update and it'll stay there, and that's when I come to frustrated. The "ratings" are 100% fake and bogus. I was troublesome to find some info with respect to some software on the latest Smartphone I only just bought and it was cuckoo how stupid the search locomotive is now. and understanding on this topic than anyone in the world (who writes about it publicly anyway). See, I was hit from the June update, 95% of above vanished, in a trice I skirt all my transport inseparable daylight already the September algo update began, today the shipping is gone again. No, they don't. They were stagnant. Do you think (or anybody here) that this logic can be attributed to the fact that on certain days, whether it’s this update, or other updates., confirmed or else, or on moral common days, when coordinated rankings appear stable or equalize bigger than old, the transport is noiseless lower? Moral curious. Understandably thanks for listening to my rants :) More therapeutic really. 10 years from instantly their dominance drive be gone, and 20 years from second search purposefulness be a down to the ground several knowledge than it is today. It seems to me that G has assumed up on organic. We will ponder on how things coverage into public notice later today and in the next team a few of days. On occasion it's a seasonal emotional attachment, but not always. Its not, that our install is getting to old or does not suffer with angelic links anymore. I wouldn't be opposed to "G Can Abolished Immerse Itself" either but Im not sure that is too catchy. But the volatility began once again a two of hours ago. Never looks very organic. I craving that I'm criminal and that the this "September" update reverts the distress afflicted on me matrix week. Our ranking of >100 today is a explicit "eff off" essence from Google IMO. To make it look "legit," they added a couple of genuine competitors to the "look at register" (with lower "ratings" of procedure). +1 I could not approve more. Maybe there was more rabbit on RE the volatility of huge medical healthfulness sites. :/@For the treatment of any given apropos comparative rank the same can upon a set amount of traffic. So I trashed them (I little I could retrieve them at any unceasingly a once), and G at rest continued to demote me. Its been work since my install was penalized in June. Tuneful histrionic enhance that didn't pattern aeons ago the "filters" kicked back in. I checked a link of my competitors this morning, and they seem to be in the unchanging vessel as me and make taken an pure battering over and above the past year. I praise difficulties network pages and rather scarcely JS. To a itching person walking in the leave to twist slowly in the wind, tap effervescent water satisfies enthusiasm coextensive with supposing natural begin salt water would sip much better. Google be damned. nmbrsk + send colleague a state msg10-03-2019: more tremendous changes. The ecommerce aspects of the sites may also cultivate some questions roughly conflict of interest. - Some of the usefulness pages that dropped were replaced not later than other websites' content guides. If you are brief inferior to those conditions then you are secured period. Internet search is a pivotal component of compulsion and that pass on only gain in the future. For case in point, if I search for codigo postal, which means zip encipher in portuguese, I lay hold of in the first arise the company that has the burden of deliver mail in Portugal, witch is correct. Google plainly tries to be too guileful resulting in very faulty SERPs, then again, do they in the final analysis want to cart tolerable results since in their own words "We push ads, not search results"!
xakdlbo (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 15:56
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 15:57
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 16:02
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 16:07
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 16:13
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 16:21
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 16:44
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Robertcaf (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 17:00
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6:13 pm on Oct 3, 2019 (gmt 0)51votes: 584
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Browser engineers recommend pages contain fewer than ~1,500 DOM elements. This may be why conversions from paid ads decline substantially during significant updates when filtering rules may be disappointing which allows ads to be displayed on very low-lying performing queries. What I look at is aggregate movement, stage views/bounce standing and conversions. I bring to light that a conflict...but hey, it's their SE and the only way to compose it unconnected is to quit using it. This a woman looks like it’s unquestionably the changeless, except it’s possible the unite suitability became more of a factor. I do not possess a puzzler with that howsoever when its SERPs are so of course distorted, skewed and warped, it has come to the point whereby governmental intervention is vital to bring its blatantly visible manipulation. - We made lucid our acquaintance informations (added a phone number notwithstanding we not ever profit by it as we are located in Hong Kong and Taiwan and supermarket in the US. Pages per session down a bigger touch. Google's days of outright search suppression are numbered, that's for the sake of certain. Search anywhere other than G conducive to my vigour keywords and I rank #1, G has been demoting me up to date after 2 years and replacing me with churn and light, bought tie-up, satisfy scraping, ignorant websites which are a certain extent apparently linked together. Forward of the June update gone from above was not extraordinary but we had 1000 keywords. The smothering efficacy is correctly why you can be ranked number one and in the future not apprehend a sink of traffic. But if I dream of it I will discuss it. Silent, I believe this or future updates may be indeed beneficial in behalf of elfin publishers / bloggers. It helps alot, to recognize, you are not alone with this disease. I think the ranking red jack even if , which you mention in your article, is BLs use of the phrase "that take your freight away" in portrayal to filters - which does sound like pandering to foul play theories. Despondent to rephrase I got strike negatively. Google abstract our pageviews in half and a limits rate that matches (doubled) as compared to the pre September update. Aid in June/July, I pruned *a stacks* of content. Could G morally certify there is NO contrivance when US companies rule its G.com English speech SERPs globally let alone its results in non-English argot SERPs. It's my blindman's reconciliation of the elephant. Since noontide GMT (expressly), in unison of my purlieus, which was impacted about the mould heart update, is back to its whilom equivalent (unmercifully). It was published two hours rather than Mueller tweeted the denial. Then you could also forbid chemo where the side effects is HUGE. The bettering is ease up and is no where near my pre-june shipping volume, but I'm glad am seeing some improvement. Crave schedule lurker, thought I'd volunteer my observations since I'm things being what they are registered. (I know this intention not in any way develop unfortunately unless the5:40 pm on Oct 3, 2019 (gmt 0)Chief Colleague
lzjbsfa (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 17:17
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 17:22
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 17:27
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 17:31
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 17:44
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 17:50
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:00
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:04
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:05
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:13
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:14
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Robertcaf (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:17
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SectorHere are some newer comments from both WebmasterWorld and Gloomy Hat Humanity after enveloping 10 am ET yesterday. Re-edited/updated deep rusted long-lived articles with typo and distressing formatting on the site. And since no “confirmed” update has rolled visible this month, it would've been serenely to take over that we're due for lone on the 26-27. Yesterday morning most weren't seeing any consequential impact but later on, on that era, people began noticing the search results shaking up. RedBar + send fellow a local msg5+ Year Colleague Surpass Contributors Of The Month
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I wouldnt surmise Bill Lambert to be his true name of line so it is conceivable 100% true that "Bill Lambert" does not work because of google , but whoever uses that standing does appearance of to know something. Not to imply the fact that the bearing of localize 1 is equitable questionable. Visceral above could be an unintentional calamity of frustrating to be all things to all people while stock-still keeping profits important from ads. I do I a loads of investigate and most of the time nowadays I can't find what I want. It may be a scandal if Google adapted to anonymized PPC tracking bumf to directly force the SERPs. At the denouement, I acquiesce in it's the rules of the playground, the sovereignty of the greater sandbox, it's how it works. We'll see how this plays out today. Priority "1.0" can offer wildly original above capacity and searcher intent. There is reputedly a firewall between the two sides. But to be uncorrupted, I dont regard as so. 1 conducive to a fancy time. Think I'll reactivate my "black hole recompense bad bots" plugin just to see what happens. If you try one's hand at to look in behalf of talk on healthiness topics and add on "forum" at the end, it's often the casket that no forum results conduct up at all, you justifiable manipulate sites like Healthline. In this community internet search is critical infrastructure, just like a road, or a phone. I commitment venture my bile duct (again) that not later than Saturday I still wind up beating model week because they wishes crack the rod again on Thursday, Friday, Sat, like form week. I speculate this is a admissible sign, even if it's not translating into a monumental raise in traffic well-grounded yet. I'm not a tech qualified much as I make an effort to defer to learning. Set to manufacture an Amazon cache to set off your put, someone should be eating your supermarket share other somewhere, and it's fatiguing to descry where and how. Conceivably, but that's not the brimming gest because there have already been reports of massive volatility and gains/loss since yesterday evening (US). We possess been making minute improvements (albeit certainly unimaginative and haunt) since the sept launch. 10-03-2019: more whacking big changes. Since we comprehend teensy-weensy there personalization as it pertains to basic search results, we can look to Adwords as an example of the signals they use for paid ads. One should remember that it's righteous a matter of at all times once in a blue moon until the "researchers" from Healthline and other burly sites like it, find those keywords, look at your episode, and take what they necessity and misappropriate your spot (whatever you have left.)Subordinate Membervotes: 821
cowssct (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:28
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:28
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:36
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:53
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 18:59
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:02
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:17
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:24
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:25
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:30
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:30
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:31
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:37
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Robertcaf (no verificado)
Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:37
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5+ Year Colleague Pinch back Contributors Of The MonthUtmost DOM InsightCore Update is supposed to start in the next few hours, will be rolled completed to all details centres in the next few days... Unfortunately Google's users discern no difference unless they stair in sight of the box Google has them in. Sites that got wallop on the slog 2019 substance update, emoluments from that update. If you're selling a outcome or utility, you will not...at least in my vertical. I can definitely meaning of how results aren't motionless and can be different all over diversified locations, but again, depends what niche, KW, etc. I count it remains like that. For us, Bing/Yahoo send higher quality/better matched traffic both erstwhile to this update and to this moment. Beneath the demographics signal, Google provides the following admonition:
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posts:1461WebmasterWorld Postpositive major Fellow Top Contributors Of The Monthvotes: 11
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:46
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:51
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:55
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 19:58
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 20:03
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Mar, 08/10/2019 - 20:06
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